The aim of Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) is to foster better relationships between parents and their children's schools.

PTAs create a partnership which helps the school listen to and deal with parents' concerns; and for parents to learn more about the school and how to improve their children's education. PTAs do not necessarily represent the views of all parents but they can be an excellent forum for communication and a basis for partnership between parents and schools.

All parents are automatically members of our school's PTA and your support is always welcome. You may choose to be a 'silent' member and support us in name only, you may choose only to attend PTA meetings to discuss forthcoming events and spending decisions, of you may choose to become a full member and take a full and active role. Whatever you choose to do, we appreciate your support.

If you would like to join our PTA, please get in touch with us through the School Office on 01264 772210, or pop in to offer your services. We'd love to hear from you!

PTA Events are advertised on the school website in the Calendar, also in the school newsletter and the PTA newsletter.