Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Our most recent inspection took place on 18th October 2022 where we were confirmed as a 'Good' school. The opening section of our report letter states;

What is it like to attend this school?

'Leaders’ expectations are high across a broad range of subjects. Pupils learn the knowledge needed to prepare them well for secondary school. In the early years, children settle quickly to life in school and build strong relationships with one another. Pupils show interest in what they learn. They rise to the challenges presented to them and are keen to succeed. However, some younger pupils do not learn how to read quickly enough. Pupils take pride in their school. They show a keen interest in the running of the school and  ake on a range of leadership roles. For example, they act as library assistants to encourage children to develop their interest in reading. As digital leaders they help pupils to recognise the importance of staying safe online. The school is a happy place for pupils, where  hey feel safe. Relationships are positive and people are friendly. Pupils behave well at playtimes and show genuine care for one another. Older pupils go out of their way to include younger pupils in the games that they play. Pupils are polite and courteous to one  another and to adults when moving around the school. If bullying takes place, adults quickly put things right.'

The report we received after our most recent visit can be viewed at the links below.

2022 Inspection Report

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

Purpose and focus of SIAMS inspections

The principal objective of SIAMS inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school, and how well the distinctive Christian character and ethos of the school ensure the development and achievement of the whole child or young person.

This is evaluated through four core questions:

  • How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?
  • What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?
  • How effective is the Religious Education? (in VA schools and academies)
  • How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?

Our most recent SIAMS inspection took place in March 2017 and we were delighted to be validated as an Outstanding Church School. You can read the report by clicking the link below.